April 22, 2019/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 5

The thing that always bothered us about “Day In The Life” sections is how they looked so planned and scripted. Like the camera guy comes in and “wakes the skater up,” they visit a couple of cool spots, “accidentally” bump into all their homies, crack a beer, and fade to black.

So naturally (stupidly) for this segment, we did the total opposite. After shooting hoops while the rain to dried up, we rolled around Wall Street to check out some spots and talk about avoiding the perils of the “partier” skate life. Then, just for the hell of it, we jumped in a helicopter.

We interviewed Beatrice a few years ago, after Bill Strobeck kinda put her on the map. Since then she’s kept improving (and landing a clip in the Boys of Summer II video), so this video was a chance to see how she spends her time and where she sees herself within skating.

Extra special shoutout and thanks to Heliny.com in Wallstreet for the Flight!

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  1. just kidding

    April 23, 2019 4:27 pm

    fuck jenkem

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