October 31, 2011/ / ARTICLES/ Comments: 2


Tired of going to spots and not knowing what the winning skateboard maneuvers are?

Want to know what hot tricks will score you massive points at skatespots and contests? Floor the judges, get the fame, glory, and loose women? We got you. Because we know you, and you aren’t skateboarding for fun, you are skateboarding to win. Introducing SK8 Contest Vision Goggles, the newest fusion between street skateboarding and modern technology.

Here’s how it works

Roll up to your ordinary six stair, buttery ledge or any crappy suburban sk8 spot. Strap on the SK8 Contest Vision Goggles and watch them INSTANTLY calculate all the tricks you can do at the spot that will score a 7 or higher in Street League, Maloof, X Games or Dew Tour. You can go to ANY spot in the world, and instantly know, what’s cool, what’s hip and what tricks will win you the contests.

Never waste time doing low scoring contest tricks again!

Why do a kickflip for 5 points when you could do a switch heel for 7? THERE’S NO REASON TO ANYMORE! Sit back as you watch your worthless friends mess around with some low scoring switch shoves while you practice for the contest big leagues. Pathetic losers.

Your Average 7 Stair:

Your Average 7 Stair, with the SK8 Contest Vision Goggles:

Yea, that’s right!

Now at a low price of $179.99, you can get your hands on this sexy, hulking piece of machinery that lets people know you’re a fucking winner. If you want to be a chump, keep doing what you’re doing. If you want to win, you have to learn the winning tricks. Buy SK8 Contest Vision Goggles, before your pimple popping friend does.


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  1. Mike Ock

    July 9, 2012 3:27 pm

    made and produced by: Rob Dyrdek

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  2. nate

    July 30, 2013 2:17 am

    Where do I put in my order info!?!?!? I WANT LIKE A FAT KID WANTS CAKE!

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