February 6, 2012/ / Uncategorized/ Comments: 23

That’s right, we gave former pro skater Danny Gonzalez his own column to “talk about old skate video parts,” which basically means, write whatever the fuck he wants. Each week or two, Danny will post up a forgotten video part and add on a little commentary. He might praise it, he might shit on it.. hell, he might just tell you a crazy tour story from the good ol’ days. Who knows. All we are really sure is, it’s Danny’s column and were gonna let him do what he wants. And if it sucks, feel free to write us some hatemail or a spam or two.

This Week, Chris Fissel in 1281:

“Single handedly the worst pro skater of all time – maybe for the exception for a few other skaters but will get to them later. This guy single handedly stunted skatings growth in the early 90’s. Pro’s hated him, America wanted to learn his tricks, but the OG’s knew his clock was ticking. It wasn’t long before company owners realized his two inch vertical and heavy-footed quicksand skating was nothing more than a fad. He was soon forgotten, until now…In it’s entirety, here is his full 1281 part from 1991. This garbage need’s to be marveled at and never duplicated. Have fun and try not to puke your self. ” – Danny Gonzalez


  1. T-Mac

    February 9, 2012 7:41 pm

    Why you hatin so hard danny? It was just the times in skateboarding,was he rude to you at a demo? im talking to you danny boy-

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  2. Danny Gonzalez

    February 10, 2012 12:02 pm

    Sorry about that T- Mac… I have to assume your either Fissel him self or a close friend. These pieces are all in the name of Fun. To be honest with you I was part of the America that wanted to learn his tricks, especially the pop shuvit to late flips. No one did ’em better. Tune in next week as I talk about the son of the devil. Spawn of Satan!

  3. mc

    February 10, 2012 12:18 pm

    This was innovative skating for 91. I loved his back foot flip over the hip. Obviously no one likes pressure flips but you don’t have to shit on Chris. Danny you must have a lot of negativity built up in you since you left the industry.

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  4. zul

    February 10, 2012 8:43 pm

    Razor tails were not fun,thanks a lot chris!

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