October 15, 2013/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 7

This video segment was posted in 2013, featuring Tim answering reader submitted questions on camera. We were made aware of a joke within this specific episode where Tim refers to a Black skater’s penis as a “Snicker dick.” While there are a few interpretations – we received valid and constructive feedback and apologize for hosting it in the first place. As the skating community grows, so does our awareness and relevancy of how our content affects our circles. We vow to always do things better and have since taken down the video. Moving forward Jenkem continues to evolve and we aim to stay on the path of creating an all inclusive, fluid, timeless, multicultural platform.


  1. brad stabya

    December 13, 2014 11:05 pm

    please make more

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  2. Louchi88

    June 13, 2020 2:18 pm

    Tim o Connor is a great dude and you know what it’s bullshit that anyone would be trying to “cancel” him or whatever. Oh well these days suck.

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