October 22, 2013/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 56

The strong push for skateboarding to be included in the Olympics continues, as shown by this recent video pitch displayed on the International Skateboarding Federation’s (ISF) website. Although the everyday skateboarder may not be familiar with the ISF, they are skateboarding’s governing body with the goal to “to provide direction and governance for the sport of skateboarding worldwide.” While the discussion of skateboarding’s inclusion into the Olympics has been going on for a long time, that doesn’t mean everyday skaters should not be aware or have a voice in how our activity is being defined and marketed.

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  1. Jim Norton

    February 14, 2014 11:07 am

    All one has to do is read these comments and it is clear why skateboarding has not made it to the Olympics.

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  2. 99ways2die

    July 1, 2014 1:12 am

    Ok so I guess that last comment did go to the right place. Anyway,,,

    Seriously all you people bitching about skateboarding becoming an Olympic sport like it would really be all that different. One minute you have people running and jumping, then you have a guy with a long stick jumping over a damn pole, then you got girls in tights jumping and flipping, jumping on a leather hours and walking on a balance beam and skate boarding would be the worst thing to happen to it? Seriously those kinds with them boards aside from Shaun White are the greatest sportsmanship roll models you will ever see. They go in there at all ages, do things on boards that should be impossible to do and when some one gets hurt they rush to see if they are ok, they ride the same damn bus there and back and they all shake hands at the end of the show. You people are cry babies. Bet you all don’t mind your kids watching football though where they play grabass in the locker room and turn on the news and seems every time you turn around one of them went off and murdered some one. You people whining about this is a joke. I’m glad it didn’t happen just for the sake of skate boarding reputation.

    The X-Games will always be better off with out the Olympics.

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