October 6, 2014/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 38

Over the last couple of years we haven’t seen much footage of the elusive Pops, aside from his tricks in Cherry and the occasional Instagram post. He’s not the easiest to track down and he’s not the type of guy you bump into skating LES skatepark. Luckily for us, our friend and filmer Richard Quintero is one of the few people that has been filming occasionally with Pops over the last couple of months. Accumulating some skate mission footage and clips, we thought it was too good to get dusty and lost in some hard drive. With that in mind, we edited the footage and sat down with Pops for a short conversation about his skateboarding and the future of his career.


  1. Dougiedunndidit

    October 7, 2014 8:05 am

    Such a bitter man. In life, one can only control his or her own actions. Pops should look to his role in his current situation. Others will always cause dissapointment and anger in us, the important thing is how one deals with those feelings. Pops can not control why those people act that way, but he can control his response to those actions. Maybe a certain filmer or company is doing something you do not like, move on. If I do not like the way my boss treats me, I will be much happier looking for another job, as oppossed to just giving up on working.

    After a while, all that bitterness takes its toll. Those around you, willing to cut your negative ass some slack, no longer care who wronged you in 2005. They just want you to stop complaining and appreciate the things that you do have. Because in life there are always people who have a shittier existence.

    Dont talk about it, be about it.

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  2. nahbro

    October 7, 2014 10:45 am

    this is great

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  3. C'mon son

    October 7, 2014 1:58 pm

    Never been a pro myself so I can’t relate that way. However I know a few who are doing it, a few who did it, a few who think they’re doing it and the ones who wish they were doing it still and haven’t got over the glory year or two. The thing which runs true with all of them is they create their own reality. Consisting of their attitude and the rules they abide by. Some are dicks, some are awesome. There’s a bit of luck here and there but by and large they are responsible for their own shit. Obviously pops has a right to feel however he feels but for fuck sake just put out some footage and people will be stoked. Look at Penny, not at his best for years but doesn’t give a fuck. He goes on trips and still puts some shit out. Does he have to? No, his status in skateboarding is cemented . He does it because he’s still living the life and that’s what he loves.

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  4. Jo El

    October 7, 2014 3:18 pm

    Very amusing to read all these comments, which mostly sound like one huge cat meme that says “Hang In there bud”.

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