March 24, 2015/ / MIX SERIES/ Comments: 29

photo: Dale May

photo: Dale May

WE GOT TONY HAWK!!!!! No, but really though, do we really need to introduce the man President Obama once called “the greatest skateboarder in the world”. The CEO of Skateboarding took some time between traveling the world, filming new video parts and riding hover boards to compile this mix of some of his favorite songs for us at Jenkem. Out of all the obligations he must have, and people knocking on his door constantly, it really shows how awesome Tony is as a human and how he still is supporting skateboarding on the ground floor. Tune in and see what a 46-year-old skate rat with more money than you’d know what to do with listens to to get hyped.

Stream it below, or download here.


More Mixes? Check out Riley Hawk, Anthony Pappalardo, Jim Greco, John Cardiel, Alien Workshop, Brian Anderson, Baker, Bronze, Brad Cromer, Alex Olson, Sage Elsesser, THPS, Sean Pablo or Jesse Alba.

Music mixed By: Mike Bloom (@Mikebloomnyc)
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  1. Tas Pappas

    April 27, 2015 7:31 pm

    Id rather inject aids into my eyes than listen to this playlist you bloody twit

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  2. e

    May 3, 2015 8:21 pm

    at least it ain’t abba. oi oi oi!!! your response is like lyrics I can indy flip double grab to. talkin’ ’bout the body body, body and the beat!!!

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  3. ZhangBob

    July 25, 2015 11:49 am

    You guys promised Marc Johnson. Would want to see that.

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