May 19, 2017/ / ARTICLES/ Comments: 27

Hello friends!

A lot of you are probably already familiar with the little dark corner of the skate Internet known as the SLAP Message Boards. While it’s usually filled with a lot of rants and legendary shit talking, every now and then you come across some genius ideas worth really pursuing.

Recently we stumbled upon a thread by David Galletly, who began working on a chart measuring and comparing some of skateboarding’s most iconic stair sets and gaps.

The shitty thing is that David doesn’t have access to any accurate measurements for any of these spots, so it’s all just a guessing game at this point. We figured if we could get some actual metrics, a detailed infographic like this would be of interest to SLAP and fellow skate nerds like us.

Everyone can pause a clip and count stairs, but we want the real, accurate measurements of some of the most famous gaps and stairs that children and man-children alike have hucked themselves down.

Since these gaps are all over the world (and we are based in NY) we figured we’d try to crowdsource this bad boy with David & SLAP. If you can visit any of the spots on the list below when you are skating next and help out, you’d be documenting skate history forever and we’ll make sure to give you author credit when we publish + send some stickers to everyone who helps out :)

If you’re down to be a part of nerdy skate history, hit us up at staff [@] jenkemmag.com with the details about your spot.

Here’s what you’ll need:

– A tape measurer
– A camera (the one on your phone will do just fine)
– Willingness to nerd the fuck out over details

Here are the spots:

Lyon 25
El Toro
UC Davis Gap
Hollywood High (12 & 16)
Matt Schlager’s 13 flat 13
Canadian Embassy in DC 21 Stair
Nashville Legislative 17 Stair

Here’s the info we need from each spot:

– Total height (in feet and inches, or metric)
– Total length (in feet and inches, or metric)
– Number of stairs (if it’s a set)
– Height and length of each stair (if it’s a set)
– Anything that makes the spot unique or difficult to skate (is there a big crack at the top that you have to ollie over, or a rough spot on the landing you’d have to ollie past?)
– A couple photos of the spot (w/o anyone skating it)

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  1. Dave

    November 25, 2017 7:32 pm

    San Diego Sports Arena?

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  2. ben

    February 1, 2019 2:44 pm

    how many ft tall is eltoro
    or like how much taller is it then hollywood 16

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  3. Alex Tudor-Hart

    August 11, 2019 4:12 pm

    The legendary frankie Hill gap that he mute grabbed from Propaganda. Does it still exist? Markovich backside Ollied it in colour video I think.

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  4. Nick Uvarov

    January 30, 2020 8:42 am

    El Toro stairs are 5.5 by 11 (did not measured them, calculates precisely). Angle of the rail is 24 degrees. Maybe 24.5.

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