March 16, 2018/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 18

Timberland boots, a.k.a. Timbs, a.k.a. butter beans, have a long and strange history in skating. Ian Reid has some of the oldest footage of someone skating in Timbs (Kyle James on the Brooklyn small banks around 1997). Later, Tom Penny somewhat normalized Timbs as an outside-the-box skate shoe option, including doing a 540 in a pair, despite the stories having been debunked (he actually rocked Columbia hiking boots). More recently Brian Wenning was spotted in a buttery pair while some psycho filmed a 10-minute Timbs part dedicated to the late rapper Prodigy.

But despite these impressive antics, no skateboarder has fully claimed Timberland work boots as their skate shoe of choice. Until now.

Meet Ferg. He lives in Atlanta and he’s basically branded himself as the sole member of the Timbs skate team. Some of his skatepark clips are honestly kind of sus, like this benihana in blood red Timbs, but watching the street footage he sent us is absolutely astonishing. While others have filmed Timbs clips in the past, no one makes skating in Timbs look as easy or natural as Ferg, and no one is as dedicated as he is to the cause of mixing durability with thuggish style.

Peep the best themed skate part we’ve seen in a while, and remember, it’s not a gimmick if you just do it all the time.

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  1. Eskimo Sam

    March 17, 2018 6:05 am

    Why would anyone wear winter shoes if it’s warm enough for just a T-shirt? If it’s cold enough for the Timberlands to come out, he should also be rocking an anorak.

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  2. Pastel

    March 17, 2018 11:04 am

    I like my Timbo for the Montreal winter, but for skate!!!

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  3. FCC

    March 18, 2018 2:36 am


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  4. microwave salesman

    March 18, 2018 11:33 pm

    i wonder how he breaks them in

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