April 20, 2018/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 11

If you haven’t heard of Ted Barrow, you may have come across his skate critique Instagram account @feedback_ts. Ted reviews submissions of skatepark footage from his followers daily, and his insights on skateboarding (ranging from trick selection to outfit choices) have made us laugh and think about skating so much over the last few months that we asked him to pen a piece in Vol. 2 discussing the age-old question “Is skateboarding art?”

As of recently, Ted has begun to analyze skaters’ decks based on sticker choices and placements, so we asked him to dive a little deeper and psychoanalyze the staff’s entire set-ups. Check out his roast of the staff’s setups in the vid above, and read his quickie intro below:

“Do you know the term “Jumping the Shark?” it’s a reference to the moment when a show has completely lost its mind. Specifically, it’s about the show Happy Days, a show about a middle-aged man in a leather jacket that hangs out with high school kids. There are already enough uncomfortable similarities between myself and the Fonz in that description alone, but my reviewing of skateboards is truly me jumping the shark. No, it’s worse than that. I’m Dirk Diggler, past his prime, porn career at an all-time low, jerking off for money in a pickup truck. You can tell a lot about a person by how they sticker and skate their boards. You can tell even more about me by how I interpret these arbitrary sticker jobs. Welcome to my mind, through your boards.”

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  1. piss off

    April 20, 2018 3:51 pm

    Please turn your damn phone before filming. Feels like i’m watching some fucking bodega rumble/throwdown clip on world star.

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  2. Jo El

    April 20, 2018 7:43 pm

    Loved it

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  3. yamother

    April 21, 2018 10:48 am

    Ted on transworld and jenkem now damn b

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  4. Timothy2 1:7

    April 21, 2018 11:05 am

    this type of f**kstick, is what’s wrong with the passing fad known as the interweb
    and, why TWS needs to be cuffed between the ears, for being an enabLer.

    Luddites uniTe!

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