December 13, 2019/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 6

Alright, so we know what the deal is. You’re tired. We get it because so are we. The goddamn never-ending flood of skateboard content washes over us every day, and we at Jenkem can’t blame you for not wanting to click every link just to keep up.

That being what it is, we all also know that there are a few trusted names out there. So if you hadn’t already fucking guessed what this long-winded intro is for, we’re recommending Hotel Blue as one of those names. ‘Sirens’ the most recent project from Hotel Blue is as good of proof as any that they deserve your trust and loving embrace in these trying times.

Lurknyc, did a fantastic job getting tracks from some wild talented and underrated producers including Dj Akoza, and finding a way to make them fit naturally alongside New York City.

There is something fairly simplistic about this edit that isn’t as mind-numbing as the more stylistically simple edits tend to be. Don’t get me wrong, there is some fucked up shit in this video, but there is a beauty to making palatable skateboarding stay entertaining.

Personally, as the intern that is writing to you now from Jenkem HQ, slumped over my computer, I’d like to say that Ish Diallo’s 5 trick part will slap the jolly right back into you for this holiday season.

We at Jenkem are doing our best to illuminate the nuggets of gold amongst the vast stanky sea, so go ahead, click that play button, and hopefully it’ll make you feel something again.


Nate Grzechowiak
Ish Diallo
Charles Deschamps
Kalman Ocheltree
Luca Ettore
Juan Virues

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  1. Billio mang

    December 13, 2019 7:19 pm

    Good looks Sam. Virues is a fuckin animal.

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  2. Your target audience

    December 15, 2019 3:04 pm

    Sold. And it was dope. Now back to work.

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  3. martin

    December 15, 2019 6:53 pm

    has jullian ever not had last part? im all for it anyway

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  4. just a guy

    December 16, 2019 6:52 am

    TBH, this one was the weakest of all the Hotel Blue installments. I found it below their average standards…right until Ish came in, that guy saved the clip.

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