March 3, 2020/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 6

And now for something completely different…

Finding out a celebrity skates is usually a pretty disappointing experience. The big timers—Bieber, Wayne, Aquaman (although shout out on the Natas reissue)—seem to pick up and drop off skating like any other hobby. Rarely do we see someone making it in the entertainment biz who’s kept up with skating full-time like the rest of us. (Thankfully, Kyle Mooney seems to have cooled it with the Featch.)

Which is what makes the standup comedian Whitmer Thomas so different. He skates, admittedly, like a 31 year-old, but he’s funny enough to get an HBO special, “The Golden One”, so he’s doing something right. His humor is goofy-yet-oddly-sexual, which is the category most skateboarders probably fall into on dating apps as well.

We met up with Whit when he was in New York to promote his special, and learned about his history working at Active Ride Shop and his difficult path to finally hitting it big on HBO. Then we hit the Williamsburg Monument to meet up with some of the Canal guys, and later followed Whit to two standup shows to watch him try new material. Grilling him on his thought process and technique, we came away with a kind of “My War” for jokes.

Hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least have a very pleasant bowel movement today.

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  1. Broderick

    March 4, 2020 8:24 am

    I’ve always had this deep down idea that I wanted to try this. Stoked for this dude. Going to look up this HBO special!

  2. Manwolf

    March 4, 2020 1:47 pm

    I can only hope he is joking about the oxys…come on Jenkem, that shit doesn’t need to be in this.

  3. q

    March 5, 2020 9:52 am

    that imitation was funny, focus on those ;) reminded me of jim carrey for an instant haha

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  4. Michael Abbey

    March 5, 2020 11:58 am

    I love you Jenkem

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