April 28, 2021/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 1

Welcome to the latest episode of ~PARTS~, our series where we take a step back and talk about the true foundation of skateboarding. You guessed it; it’s video parts.

Even the newest crop of Instagram skaters eventually take all their clips and edit them into a cohesive video part, because in the end, it’s still the ideal way for a skateboarder to leave a legacy. Video parts are how skaters create their mystique, showcase their approaches, and garner long-term attention and demand.

Despite how divisive focusing on video parts can be, our PARTS segment is as straightforward as it gets: we get your favorite skaters to rant about vids they hated, loved, wish they had made, could watch on repeat forever, and so on.

Essentially, it’s the stuff we all talk about when we’re at the park or sitting at a spot. Now, instead of talking shit about actual video parts, you’ll be able to talk shit about the video parts that someone else picked out.

In our latest episode, we hit up Brighton Zeuner and dared to ask what parts this 16-year-old contest skater (and future Olympian) is watching.


First part you remember watching?
Lance Mountain – Bones Brigade Video Show

First part you were obsessed with?
Chris Milic – Dr. Scarecrow

One part on a deserted island?
Jesse Alba – Dr. Scarecrow

A part you can’t stand watching?
Extremely Sorry (besides Lance Mountain’s part)

Part with the best fits?
The Supreme videos

Best recent part?
Frog Skateboard edits

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  1. Bill Nelder

    May 3, 2021 8:52 pm

    I hate red bull caps marking their territory. I dont care about olympic presentations. She is a great skateboarder and skates better vert than me. Also, lockdowns are class war. What they aim at is internalisation of the fear and compliance. And if that’s achieved, it wont matter if the virus will still be here or not, it will be one and the same and we all know it deep down.

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