June 14, 2021/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 11

A few weeks back, Karl Watson introduced us to his friend Andrew Huberman, who is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford. Andrew also grew up skating San Francisco’s Embarcadero in its heyday where he met a number of amazing skaters, Karl being one of them.

Andrew’s research touches on fear responses, as well as sleep and dream states and how they relate to learning. You can learn about this stuff on his podcast which can be very science-heavy and dense at times, but Andrew shares some groundbreaking findings that we and Karl felt other skaters could greatly benefit from.

So when Karl asked us if he could interview him and help introduce the research to the everyday skater, we immediately jumped on.

We parsed their convo down to give you the best, most digestible bits, but if you are intrigued and want to dive a little deeper into the full studies, make sure to check out Andrew’s site and Instagram where he posts more info on his research and findings.


1:21 Andrew’s background and mission.
3:13 Skateboarding’s connection to science.
4:12 Why are somedays better than others?
5:06 Breathing techniques to remain calm.
7:10 How do you get over fear?
8:31 Dopamine in skateboarding.
11:05 Learning tricks in your dreams.
12:19 How do you not let fear get to you?
14:14 Muscle memory is a myth.
14:46 Are skaters better off in society?
16:40 How to slide into Andrew’s DMs.


0:15 EMB shot by Jacob Rosenberg
0:56 Candyland by Bill Strobeck
2:46 Mike Blacbac via Chromeball
2:14 Dan Mancina by Christian Alexander
2:56 Danny Way shot my Mike Blabac
3:21 Jenkem The Second Coming of Brandon Turner
3:51 Genesis 2 by Ian Ostrowski
7:42 Welcome to Hell by Toy Machine
9:52 Thrasher My War: Sammy Baca
12:40 Thrasher My War: Jamie Foy
13:00 Thrasher My War: Dane Burman
15:10 Emerica Stay Gold B-Side: Jerry Hsu
15:34 @fancyladskateco on Instagram
15:39 Modus Operandi by Transworld skateboarding

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  1. Molte

    June 21, 2021 3:32 am


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  2. Freddy

    September 23, 2021 3:51 pm

    Love this!

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