October 7, 2022/ / MIX SERIES/ Comments: 4

I hate to generalize, but a lot of skaters, especially pros, could care less about what goes on in the “real world” because they’re so focused on skateboarding. While that attitude is partly what keeps skateboarding raw, it’s always nice to meet a skater who is actually a genuine and thoughtful person, like Dustin Henry.

Dustin definitely gives a fuck about a lot of things. Just look at his clips – they’re all so creative and sometimes you even have to watch them two or three times just to understand them. He’s also involved in a group called Nations Skate Youth, which brings skateboarding to indigenous communities across the great north. His attention to detail and care is even reflected in his track list, filled with little flourishes and doodles to keep it playful.

If you’re feeling the mix, make sure to download it here while you can.

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  1. Greeto

    October 8, 2022 8:33 am

    Off the subject. Has anyone seen the new THRASHER cover of homeboy kick flipping over the subway tracks platform to platform? Is this ratchet or could it be done? Looks like photoshop. I need a New Yorker to weigh in.

  2. Parazaf

    October 19, 2022 11:08 pm

    Mattmac FTW!!!

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  3. shunka VK

    January 17, 2023 4:22 am

    great mix, uplifting native vibes and neil young at his finest

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