May 15, 2024/ / MIX SERIES/ Comments: 8

crusty photo courtesy of megan

Have you ever wondered where the term Girlboss comes from? Sure, there are books, a Netflix show, an entire educational course, and 27.5 million posts under the hashtag, but do you know the original? Her name is Megan Baltimore, idiot.

Megan’s importance to the creation of skateboarding mainstay Girl Skateboards cannot be understated. She’s helped steer the ship since the band at World Industries broke up, often occupying the captain’s chair over Mount Rushmore-esque icons Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, and Spike Jonze.

Her contributions to skateboarding at large may never be grasped by the uneducated skater, but IYKYK. Megan was kind enough to curate our latest mix, offering a look into the music that keeps her head above water when the corpo-speak “male-dominated” or jenk-speak “cock-fest” of an industry gets too hectic.

Download the mix HERE, and join us in appreciating skateboardings #1 girlboss.

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  1. PetrK

    August 16, 2024 5:44 am

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