June 13, 2024/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 3

Ground Glass is a recurring segment here on Jenkem by Australian videographer James Thomson.

Filmed on 16mm, it takes advantage of one of the least cost effective means of capturing skateboarding. At $50 a minute and dinosaur age tech, very few are patient and ballsy enough to capture skateboarding on this format.

Luckily, James is, and like a nod to an old Transworld montage, the crispness and warmth of the film creates a sense of beauty that you can only achieve from mixing archaic gear with a modern landscape, something digital footage of today doesn’t quite capture.

Finding skaters who can land tricks with the consistency and style needed for this project is challenging, but Ronnie Kessner handled it no problem. Throughout their trip to Bangkok, Thailand, James captured a diverse mix of Thai cityscapes and bolted ledge maneuvers.

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  1. Hassan

    June 13, 2024 11:53 am

    These are always so damn cool.

  2. Ice

    June 13, 2024 1:11 pm

    So sick!

  3. nice

    June 30, 2024 9:03 am

    very nice

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