September 5, 2024/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 7

Back when the internet was innocent and the grotesque phrase “content creator” was still buried deep in our brains, cable TV was the dominant force ruling our attention spans. Remember that? Waiting for the non-interactive TV Guide to scroll past your favorite channels seems like a primitive memory at this point, but in hindsight I can look back on it fondly.

Similarly, a mix of emotions race around when thinking back on old channels like Fuel TV and its early shows. Programs like American Misfits, Camp Woodward, Skate Maps, and most notably The Captain and Casey Show.

These staple shows helped to fill the void of traditional cable TV at the time and gave skateboarding something more than a terribly portrayed cameo on mainstream channels. While impactful, in the grand scheme of things it was a short-lived time, so we wrangled some of the key players of mid 2000’s Fuel TV to better understand the rise and fall of the network.

This was one of those pieces that had been in the works off and on for a while now. Sadly, as we plugged away, we learned of the untimely passing of the beloved Chris Casey. It’s a major bummer that he didn’t get to see it, but we were fortunate to have Chris involved and we hope the story of Fuel and his contributions will bring solace to his friends and show those who didn’t know him just how much he impacted skateboarding as a whole.

If you have the means, consider donating to Chris’s family here.

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  1. Fuel CEO

    September 5, 2024 1:36 pm

    RIP Chris Casey

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  2. Dude

    September 6, 2024 10:34 am

    That was really good.

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  3. You can find me at the Stoner Plaza later today

    September 6, 2024 2:13 pm

    did you guys actually get a license for that Tribe Called Quest track? YouTube copyright claim incoming. lol

  4. Hassan

    September 10, 2024 6:09 pm

    This was cool but too short.

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