September 25, 2024/ / MIX SERIES/ Comments: 2

Here’s one thing the Milan skate scene and my parents during their first trip to New York have in common. The Rat Ratz took them by surprise.

While the latter’s surprise was less than positive, I can confidently say the Ratz have brought joy across the Milan scene. Closing in on double digits of their video series with Quartersnacks, filmmaker Alessio Brienza, AKA Brisquit, has revealed some of our favorite young faces out of Italy.

Faces like Vince Palmer, Nils Matijas and Rachid Doubiani who now act as the glue for this web of Supreme clad, marble skating homies. For Mix 145, the Ratz let us in on what keeps them going during late plaza nights.

Firmly planted in the trap and cloud rap realm but with a mix of classic 90s rap, this mix may not bring the guarantee of sliding back tails even half as long as this crew, but it does bring the guarantee of blowing out your speaker setup.

Download HERE or forever hold your peace.

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  1. jeff koppleman

    October 4, 2024 6:55 pm


  2. Sorry

    October 18, 2024 3:47 pm

    Pretty shitty mix

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