September 18, 2024/ & / VIDEOS

If you’ve spent enough time on the skate shop couch or bench at your local park, you’ve probably taken part in some good ol’ fashioned “shop talk.” It’s the conversations of gear, videos, and the general shit talk that makes the world go round.

There are new debates every single day, so that’s why we’ve brought back Shop Talk, our series where we interview the locals for their opinions and hot takes.

On today’s episode, we’re at the Vans Block Party in Brooklyn, NY.

Amongst the cash for tricks, bumping DJs, and open bar we set up shop and asked some burning questions- Which skateboarder would you write in for the 2024 presidential election? What’s the most embarrassing thing in your search history? Who’s your vote for SOTY?

If you want us to stop by your shop and interview the local heads, all you have to do is buy us a plane ticket out there and convince us it’ll be a good time. Fuck it, we’ll probably do it.

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